To teach textile and apparel students how to use digital design tools like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, the NIDJ established the course “Artwork.” This course provides you with all the knowledge you require, whether you’re a beginner learning a new set of skills or an intermediate Photoshop or Illustrator user looking to refresh key ideas. Students are taught a variety of tools, commands, and techniques in this course to help them create artwork, whether it is seamless print design or another type of digital art. By drawing inspiration from objects inside and around them, the students employing the Essential Classic workplace produce magnificent original pieces of art.

The course is crucial for them since it enables them to make mood boards and other types of boards for upcoming projects. To incorporate their seamless prints into the final product, they are taught offset techniques in addition to many other distinct approaches for other purposes. The third semester TAD students in this academic year 2022 created a variety of stunning pieces of art. One of the many assignments given to the students was to produce an exact replica of a William Morris work of art, which proved to be quite interesting. This course also teaches students how to use software to scan their own hand-drawn sketches. The use of various brushes and how to make their own or import new brushes in accordance with their needs for their artwork are also briefly covered in this course for the students.

As everyone is aware, Adobe continued to update its software following the launch of its web-based creative cloud. Therefore, saving their work to the cloud allows students to continue working throughout the day from any location. To get started, all users have to do is download the Creative Cloud app and log in. At NIDJ, students receive a variety of software packages, including a Creative Cloud subscription. The IT lab also offers Cintiq and completely integrated, expertly designed Workstations for the benefit of the aspiring designers.

Showcasing a few of the artwork and print designs done by the students of NID Assam, Textile and Apparel Dept. 3rd semester.

Course guided by:  Dibyendu Nag, Design Instructor, Textile & Apparel Design

Last Updated on November 23, 2022