Information and Communication Technology

Welcome to the National Institute of Design, Assam where innovation meets education. In today’s digital age, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the learning experience. Our institute is committed to provide students with state- of-the-art ICT facilities that empower them to excel academically, foster creativity, and prepare for the challenges of the modern world. The IT-Cell of NID Assam continues to provide improved, efficient, and effective computational, network infrastructural facilities and IT services to NID Assam community. These facilities are constantly upgraded to meet the evolving standards of the Institute. Among the various responsibilities that the cell shoulders, its primary responsibility is to cater to the common IT related needs/support of the students, faculty, staff and its stakeholders.

ICT Facilities

  • Network: At NID Assam, we understand that seamless internet connectivity is essential for academic and administrative work, collaboration, and online learning. The Institute has 1 Gbps leased line NKN Internet connectivity. It has high end networking devices for reliable and secure internet access throughout the campus. Our students can access online resources, participate in virtual classes, and conduct research without any disruptions.
  • Wi-Fi: The institute has a controller-based campus-enabled Wi-Fi with authentication system providing high-speed NKN internet connections to help students propel their learning. The internet facility is accessible to the faculty members, staff and students anywhere-anytime 24*7*365 basis. The coverage of Wi-Fi is not only restricted to classrooms or office areas but also extends to all the areas including library, Auditorium, cafeteria, and hostels. Consistent data speed throughout the campus adds to uninterrupted resource accessibility. The students can keep pace with e-learning and browsing web-based applications for preparing projects & research papers through secured Wi-Fi authentication approach.
  • Automated Library: In an era where information is abundant, our digital library stands out as a beacon of knowledge. With an extensive collection of e-books, journals, and multimedia resources, students have access to a vast repository of information that aids in accomplishing their project work and self-directed learning. The library is fully equipped with desktop computers, high-end scanner, printers etc. for supporting the library digitisation with continuous upgradations and technology adoptions. The Institute subscribes to a wide range of digital libraries and e-resources, granting students access to an extensive collection of academic journals, e-books, and research databases. Our digital resources empower students to conduct in-depth research and stay updated with the latest developments in their fields of study.
  • IT Labs: The institute has a well-designed IT lab equipped with high end workstations, Projection TV, Wacom-Cintiq devices with high-speed Internet connection which are used by students and faculty for their learning enhancement, course modules along with other academic and research activities.
  • Other Labs:
    i). Digital Media Lab: The Institute has a fully equipped digital media lab with the latest configuration of iMacs system (16 no’s) used extensively for communication and 3D design classes.
    ii). XR (Extended Reality Lab): An Extended Reality (XR) lab, which encompasses Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) is an initiative of Interdisciplinary studies requirement specification. The lab is installed with the latest setup to cater to the evolving requirements of realistic, risk-free simulations allowing students to interact with complex subjects, historical events, or scientific concepts in a more engaging way.
  • Video Conferencing: The Institute has a well-furnished and spacious board room for conducting offline and online video conferencing meetings. It is equipped with 360 degree PTZ camera, 65″inch LED TV and omnidirectional microphone etc.
  • Auditorium: The Institute has a space designated to accommodate a large audience for various purposes, including performances, lectures, presentations, conferences, seminars, and other events. It has a well-equipped seating arrangement fully air conditioned, a stage with digital podiums, mixer based lighting and sound systems, projection screens and display monitors.
  • CCTV surveillance: CCTV cameras play a crucial role in enhancing security and safety within an educational institute. NID Assam campus is equipped with a mix of Internet Protocol (IP) and analog cameras installed across the campus and the footage is constantly recorded and monitored by the Security department 24*7*365.
  • Lecture Hall: The Institute has three lecture halls with a total seating capacity of 180 (60 in each room). The room is equipped with short throw projectors, power podium, remote controlled display screen, surround speakers etc. In addition to the lecture hall, the Institute has four studio rooms for conducting classes / training.

The Institute has an Intranet site which is hosted and accessible within the campus network only. Users can access various types of online / offline forms, software’s etc.

(Click to access the Intranet)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Internet Facility: All the systems and labs are connected to a high speed internet connection. Users are required to fill the Internet access form and submit to IT Cell for availing the facility.
  • Email Facility: An institute email is provided to all the students, faculty and staff members for official and academic communication. The email account is issued by IT Cell after submitting the duly filled email account form. Any account related issues (viz. unable to access, storage, spams) may be reported to IT Cell for necessary assistance.
  • Issue/Return of Assets: The IT Cell issues various assets viz. DSLR digital cameras & stand, mixer-operated speakers, projectors, Laptop, studio and photography lights etc. to NID Assam students and faculty members for conducting practical classes, project work and online activities. In addition to this, IT Cell also issues Desktop / laptop with licensed application software for official and academic work. Users are required to submit the form (Online/Offline) available on the Intranet.
  • IT/Digital Media Lab booking: The labs can be booked by faculty / staff members by sending an email to IT Cell.
  • Software / hardware related queries: The IT Cell is in charge for installation of licensed software in various labs and users system depending on the course and work requirements. Installation of cracked versions is strictly prohibited. Any new software requirement, activation or troubleshooting, hardware issues etc. may be informed to IT Cell through email (itcell(at)nidj(dot)ac(dot)in) . In addition, you may also call intercom 276 (Ext) for assistance from the IT support team.

Online Security:
Do’s and Don’ts

Online security, also known as cybersecurity, refers to the practice of protecting computer systems, networks, and data from theft, damage, or unauthorized access. It encompasses a wide range of measures and technologies designed to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital information. One can safeguard their data and confidential information from online frauds and scams by following the Do’s and Don’ts.

  • Keep your passwords or passphrases confidential. Don’t share them with others or write them down. You are responsible for all activities associated with your credentials.
  • Pay attention to phishing traps in email and watch for telltale signs of a scam. Don’t open mail or attachments from an untrusted source. If you receive a suspicious email, the best thing to do is to delete the message and report it to IT Cell.
  • Destroy information properly when it is no longer needed. Place paper in designated confidential destruction bins throughout the office or use a crosscut shredder.
  • Be aware of your surroundings when printing, copying, faxing, or discussing sensitive information.
  • Lock your computer and mobile phone when not in use. This protects data from unauthorized access and use.
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi hotspots for confidential browsing. Always use virtual private network tunnels to protect the data and the device.
  • Report all suspicious activity and cyber incidents to the IT Cell or call 1390. Keep all areas containing sensitive information physically secured and allow access only to authorized individuals.
  • Always use hard-to-guess passwords or passphrases. A password should have a minimum of 8 characters using uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. To make it easy for you to remember but hard for an attacker to guess.
  • It is suggested to use different passwords for different accounts. If one password gets hacked, your other accounts are not compromised.
  • Don’t install unauthorised programs on your work computer. Malicious applications often pose as legitimate software.
  • Don’t respond to phone calls or emails requesting confidential data.
  • Don’t leave sensitive information lying around the office.
  • Never click on links from an unknown or untrusted source. Cyber attackers often use them to trick you into visiting malicious sites and downloading malware that can be used to steal data and damage networks.
  • Don’t be tricked into giving away confidential information. It’s easy for an unauthorised person to call and pretend to be an employee or business partner.
  • Don’t leave printouts or portable media containing private information on your desk. Lock them in a drawer to reduce the risk of unauthorised disclosure.
  • Don’t post any private or sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, passwords or other private information, on public sites, including social media sites, and Don’t send it through email unless authorised to do so. (Use privacy settings on social media sites to restrict access to your personal information)
  • Don’t leave wireless or Bluetooth turned on when not in use. Only do so when planning to use and only in a safe environment.
  • Don’t leave devices unattended. Keep all mobile devices, such as laptops and cell phones physically secured. If a device is lost or stolen, report it immediately to your manager and ISO/designated security representative.
  • Don’t plug in portable devices without permission from your management. These devices may be compromised with code just waiting to launch as soon as you plug them into a computer.

In News – Cyber Security, Attacks & Crimes

Basic troubleshooting
before reporting to IT Cell

  • If your system is not powering ON, please check the power cable or adaptor connected to the system it may be loose or the cable may be damaged. Remove and re-plug it at both ends. One end is in your computer and other is in the wall jack. If the system is powering ON but still not booting, it could be due to a hardware fault or OS issue. Also remove any bootable flash drive if it is connected.
  • Sometimes you may encounter software activation issues. Use the email ID and password provided to you by the Institute for reactivation. If you are still unable to activate, please seek assistance from the technical team.
  • If your monitor display goes blank or laptop goes to sleep mode after idle period you can change the settings in the power option from control panel to overcome the issue.
  • Network issues may be encountered due to various factors such as cable connectivity, network card or drivers issue, signal strength, mis-configuration, traffic overload etc.
  • Connect your devices through UPS line only for constant power and to safeguard systems from fluctuation and damage.
  • If your system is connected through Ethernet cable check to see the port or interface LED’s are glowing or not. You can try reconnecting the cable. You may also check if the LAN icon in the taskbar is marked as cross (Windows OS). If the icon is marked as exclamation/ globe symbol right click on it and click on troubleshoot problems doing so can resolve the issue most of the time if the system did not get a valid IP address.
  • Connect only to the Institute wifi network ConnectNIDJ for secure and reliable connection. If you are not able to connect please check your network card driver is installed and the wifi signal strength is good. Try running network diagnostics or reset the network adaptor to see if it resolves. Also try updating the operating system to its latest version or patches release as this could also be the cause of issue restricting users to connect to the WiFi network. Once your device is connected to the wifi network, users need to type in the credentials shared by the IT Cell. After successful authentication you will be able to browse Internet.

ICT Terminologies

“Information and Communication Technology Terminologies is essential to know for everyone since we all are closely attached with systems, mobiles and internet. Knowing the various technical terms will enable us to understand ICT in a better way …”

Forms & Software

“Various ICT related forms can be filled online to avail the services. Open-source / Institutional software can be downloaded within the Institute Network ….”

ICT Policy

“Information Technology policies are essential documents that outline rules, guidelines and best practices for using technology and information systems…..”

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0376-2310108 (Ext:276)
Timing: 9 AM – 5 PM
(Monday – Friday)